Saturday, June 18, 2022

A Bit More of the Journey

About a year after the surgery to remove "Herkimer" (I still think that tumor needs a more menacing name), I had my first Y-90 treatment, followed by two chemo-embolizations, and then another Y-90 treatment.  The chemo-embolizations didn't work so spectacularly they caused my tumors on that side of my liver to grow. So that necessitated the second Y-90.  For two years or so, my tumors remained stable, but then started showing a bit of growth, so I was mapped for the second time and given two more Y-90 treatments.  For the last seven or eight years, my tumors have remained stable, and I have just had my monthly treatments with my oncologist.  

Two years ago, my CT scan showed that I had ascites (free floating fluid in the abdomen from scar tissue in the liver--caused by the Y-90 treatments).  I had my first paracentesis (removal of said fluid), where they drained 1.5 liters, and about two months later, the second paracentesis--3 liters.  I have been on ever increasing diuretics and added a new "ologist" to my plethora of doctors--gastroenterologist.  I'm on my third gastro doctor--the first one left to be closer to his family, then the second one left to be closer to her family, I hope this isn't a trend.  

Because the diuretics can't keep up with the fluid production, I am having paracentesis every 3-4 weeks, draining 3.5-4 liters at a time.  My new gastro doctor thought there was another situation coming in to play--portal vein hypertension.  If that is, in fact, the case, there is another procedure I can have that will alleviate the fluid.  I've had two tests to determine if this is in fact the case.  I am waiting to hear the results.  In some ways, I am content to wait for the answers to come, in others I am eager to find out what the next steps are and when I can see that through.  

Just in case you didn't know, zebras do not whinny or neigh like a horse.  They bark in short bursts of sounds that have a bit of a donkey/mule bray mixed in.  


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