Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Peaceful Zebra


A funny for the day.  I woke up this morning to find the clock reading 12:57 for the time.  I thought I had really slept long and hard when all that had happened was that there was a power blip.  It was only 8:57.  Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused. 

Yesterday was my day to go get my shots.  It was an ordinary day with a dog who wanted to go along with us and sit in the car, except for the times when I was shopping and Kevin didn't want to go in the stores (not surprising, except for grocery stores he doesn't like shopping).  Kevin and Abby would walk around the parking lots while I am otherwise occupied. 

When I get my shots, I have to wait until I get to the clinic for them to release the medication and get it to room temperature from the refrigerator where it is kept. My regular nurse is on maternity leave, so I had stand in nurses giving me my injections.  I was in the infusion section waiting for my medication to warm up when my doctor walks by and asks how I am.  I answered, "I'm peaceful."  She replied, "I need you to come and tell me that every day/"  

One of the things that happens with my medication is that it can clog up in the needle and set up like cement. When that happens, a new needle is required.  I will ask my nurses if they have extra needles in their pockets--better to have extra needles and not need them than to need them and not have them.  In spite of that, yesterday was a new adventure in needles,  The nurse had some extra needles in her pocket, but alas, she didn't have enough.  Two nurses ended up using three needles each for a total of six pokes in my derriere.  On my way out, I tell my doctor and  she said that we may have to change to a different format of the drug just to circumvent my overuse of the needles.  I think I overshot my quota, no pun intended. 

1 comment:

  1. Becky, thanks for sharing your peace today...I needed that. Neddleing is not the way to get what you want...stay peaceful!!!


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