Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Short Update

I saw the oncologist on Monday.  I had had my yearly CT scan the week before and from the way things appeared on the scan, my tumors are stable if not a wee bit smaller.  There was no new degeneration and overall no significant changes.  Blood tests were largely normal, just a few places where I am a bit too high or too low, but that has been my norm for a while.  

This October makes twenty years since the tumors were first found and diagnosed.  It's been a very interesting journey through all the ups and downs, but as long as things have remained stable, I find there is much to be said for stability.  And there are many things to be thankful for--especially that I have good health insurance.  I did the math and figured out that my monthly treatments rack up to $1,000,000 every three years and four months.  I told my nurses that and they didn't realize.  This does not count the cost of oral medications, scans, office visits, bloodwork, etc.  

In other news, Whisper is settling in nicely.  She is fine with me at home until about 2:00 pm, then if Kevin is not home, she whines.  She is definitely his girl.  I asked her last night if she liked living here and she smiled.  One night after Kevin had gone to bed, she was whining (she does this a lot) beside my chair so I was petting her.  I looked over at her and she gave me an expression that told me she was having me on.  I was trying to get her to perk her ears up one night and asked her to show me her ears.  She turned her head sideways so I could see them.  She's learning to play with toys, which at eight years old isn't too bad.  She's a very social dog and seems to only bark at cats.  She's our goofy girl!


A Serious Comedy of Errors

  So, a couple of weeks ago, we heard that Kevin's brother fell and broke his hip.  Tuesday, this past week Kevin fell and ruptured his ...